2024-07-16 18:07:19 +02:00

1.8 KiB


Vim config file: C:\Users\jadonm\AppData\Local\nvim\init.lua

== vimwiki ==

[[ - jump to prev header ]] - jump to next header gll - indent item right glh - indent item left

== vim ==

x -> cut current selection y -> copy current selectio p -> paste

Ctrl + f - scroll page forward one screen Ctrl + d - scroll page forward Half screen

Ctrl + b - scroll page backwards one screen Ctrl + u - scroll page backwards half screen

Shift + 5 (aka %) - jump to matching bracket v + Shift + 5 - select between brackets

:%d             -> delete every line :%y             -> yank every line :%normal! >>    -> indent every line

:$              -> Go to end of file

gg - Go to Top

Shift + g - Go to bottom

<LineNo> + c + G -> delete from current line to and start insert mode

c + $ || C -> change evrything that comes after the cursor c + c -> Change this line

f + <char> -> foward find F + <char> -> backward find

Ctrl + o -> Go backward in jump list Ctrl + i -> Go fwd in jump list

v + F + <char> -> Select from current cursor position backwards until

Esc + <num> + i + <char> Esc -> Insert times

:<range_start>,<range_end_optional>co <to_line> -> Copy range and paste onto line :<range_start>,<range_end_optional>d -> Delete range

g_ -> Moves cursor to last non-blank character of current line * vg_ -> Select till last non blank character of current line

S( -> [using Surround plugin] will add () around visual selection


== LSP == Hide/disable diagnostics (verbose lsp)

:lua vim.diagnostic.hide() (will only side) :lua (will only side)

:lua vim.diagnostic.disable() (will disable globally) :lua vim.diagnostic.enable() (will only side)